Violet | Newborn Shoot

Violet | Newborn Shoot

Baby Violet is definitely one of the most adorable and beautiful babies I have ever seen! It was such a pleasure doing this newborn shoot for fellow photographer Josh and his beautiful partner Bianca. Congratulations on your first born and may she bring lots of love,...
Reghard de Wet | Newborn Shoot

Reghard de Wet | Newborn Shoot

Reghard is gebore op 13 April en was slegs 13 daggies oud toe hy sy eerste fotosessie gedoen het! Hierdie klein mannetjie was regtig stroopsoet en het nou en dan gelimlag vir die kamera! Hy is so pragtig!!! Baie dankie aan die De Wet gesin dat ek julle weer voor my...
Emma & Lisa | Newborn Twins

Emma & Lisa | Newborn Twins

Aren’t they just the cutest two babies!? Photographing these twins was a first for me, but I Ioved it! It just makes you realize once again how awesome our God is. He created these twins, so perfect and adorable, but each unique on her own. Twins mean double the...
Isabel | 7 daggies jonk

Isabel | 7 daggies jonk

♥ Your first breath took ours away ♥ Andre en Su-mari se eersteling is 8 daggies gelede gebore! Ontmoet vir klein Isabel. Te skattig vir woorde! Ek ken vir Su-mari al van kleuterskool dae af en wat ‘n voorreg was dit om hulle eerste baba te kon afneem! Isabel is...