Mar 30, 2023 | Family Shoots, Maternity
Lisa and Christiaan are expecting twins and big brother Conrad is very excited to meet his two baby brothers! Congratulations to this beautiful...
Jan 26, 2021 | Engagements/Couples, Maternity
What a fun and beautiful couple! Congratulations with your baby on the way. We headed outside during their engagement party at the Astor Hotel to capture a few moments before the sun sets over the city. Enjoy the...
Jun 4, 2018 | Family Shoots, Maternity
Marieke, Andre en Heinrich wag geduldig vir boetie Ewan om te kom! Nog minder as 4 wekies dan is Ewan hier! Hier is solank ‘n voorsmakie van die pragtige gesin se fotosessie op die plaas!
Apr 6, 2018 | Family Shoots, Maternity